Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Episode 14: Devin's Toy Story Syndrome

Should you feel bad for Cheerios? Is that LEGO figure lonely? If these are familiar thoughts, then maybe you're like Devin -- and 98 million* other people who suffer from Toy Story Syndrome**. Learn all about it in this latest, greatest episode!  LIFE IS PAIN. THE VOID AWAITS.

* We made that number up.
** Yup, we made that up, too.

PLUS: Remember to rate and review us on iTunes! Five stars!!!  

Think YOU'RE weird? Then send YOUR WEIRD to YourWeirdPodcast (at) gmail (dot) com and we might read it "on air" or call you up to be a guest on the show! Audience participation!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Episode 13: Celebrity Weird: Simon Cowell

We get "pitchy*" with professional anger-inducer, Simon Cowell.
*OK, we know that's not his "catchphrase" but it takes a lot of effort to make these captions fresh and interesting, every week, and sometimes I just go for the easy joke, OK? um...

Remember to rate and review us on iTunes!!!

Also remember to send YOUR "weirds" to YourWeirdPodcast (at) gmail (dot) com and we might read it "on air" or call you up to be a guest on the show!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Episode 12 - Historical Weird: Caligula

Caligula. We all know he was weird (to put it mildly), but what about... HIS HORSE?!

PLUS: Remember to rate and review us on iTunes!

Also remember to send YOUR "weirds" to YourWeirdPodcast (at) gmail (dot) com and we might read it "on air" or call you up to be a guest on the show!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Episode 11 - CT's Spitting

Spitting. One of the grossest thing any human being can do... so why and when is our guest COMPELLED to spit?! Today, Carlin "CT" Trammel from Nerdlunch Podcast, Pod, James Pod Podcast, and Dragonfly Ripple Podcast joins us to talk about HIS WEIRD.

Is he weird? Is it ok? We don't come to a definite decision, but feel free to do so on your own time!

PLUS: Remember to rate and review us on iTunes!

Also remember to send YOUR "weirds" to YourWeirdPodcast (at) gmail (dot) com and we might read it "on air" or call you up to be a guest on the show!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Episode 10 - Sports Weird - Moisés Alou

How does Moisés Alou keeps his hands supple? You're soaking in it!!
(Wait, does anyone still alive today get that reference?)

Remember to rate and review us on iTunes!

Also remember to send YOUR "weirds" to YourWeirdPodcast (at) gmail (dot) com and we might read it "on air" or call you up to be a guest on the show!